In September Gemco Valve, President Jim Lenihan announced Gemco’s collaborative working arrangement with international partner, Germany based ATEC-Valve. Both companies design and manufacture industrial valves for the toughest applications such as discharge valves for vacuum processing fine abrasive silica (SiO2) for the solar industry and reactor feed valves for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API). ATEC specializes in valves from 12mm to 80mm while Gemco concentrates on valves from 100mm to 600mm.
Last week Gemco Valve and ATEC Valve joined forces at the 10th Biennial Valve World Conference and Exhibition in Dusseldorf where they shared a booth.
Their joint product presentation featured “live action” demonstrations of the Gemco manufactured P21 High Performance Spherical Disc Valve with inflatable seal. The ball segment Gemco Valve shown has an acrylic blind top flange for safety and clarity to demonstration the inflatable seal.
The conference, which is the #1 trade fair for Industrial Valves, attracted an international audience of end users, consultants, EPC companies, procurement managers, engineers, distributors, manufacturers and suppliers from cross a wide spectrum of industries, including oil & gas, chemical processing, petrochemical, food & beverage, and pharmaceutical processing.

Left to Right: Jonathan Yee – Stanbet Singapore, Andreas Hampel – ATEC Valve, Stanley Yee – Stanbet Singapore

Left to right: Michael Hampel – ATEC, Jim Lenihan – Gemco Valve, Meszaros Balazs – ITB Hungary, Janos Frey – ITB Hungary, Szilard Winkler – ITB Hungary